This is the exact aforementioned BS


I'll get downvoted for this FIFA 17 Coins but this is the exact aforementioned BS if humans scream drive and scripting.

"Oh but it FEELS like scripting to me", doesn't beggarly shit. Just like this backpack band nonsense, unless you can accommodate absolute repeatable testable evidence, it's best to acquire it's in your head.

Oh and if this backpack band had any arete to it, EA would acquire patched that bits out quicker than you could blink. Packs are EA's money maker, if there was a way to bluff it they would stop it.

However, it is amusing how EA can absolution a bold with a simple backpack agenda which has such a impaired graphical bug, and aswell how abundant it has formed some associates of the association into a frenzy.

Scripting isn't absolute because pros can win such top percentages. Adage there is no drive is like adage EA doesn't affliction about money.

I anticipation that about a ages or 2 ago anyone begin affirmation of drive in the code, not scripting, but a blazon of momentum, forth with a agglomeration of hidden traits? Aswell wasn't there a spreadsheet from EA amphibian about a few years aback that had data on momentum?

Yes. But some humans angle over to ea and would never acquire it as true. Even admitting we acquire proofs and they dont.If you don't anticipate drive and scripting isn't absolute afresh you're a clown.

I can't acquaint whether you acquire in drive or not due to your use of the bifold abrogating in that sentence.

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