I just anticipate you charge added evidence


I anticipate you guys charge authentic affirmation afore anyone runs with

this. Because you'll acquire players (like me) who don't anticipate it exists.

How is that every alone Fifa bold I end up Division 1 in about 75 amateur or so

and consistently break there (save a accident streak) for the breadth of the

game? Wouldn't "momentum" acquire aching me? Wouldn't I acquire noticed a

absolute aberration in outcomes?

  I'm not adage it does not exist, I just anticipate you charge added

evidence. It's accessible that it does abide and I've just abstruse how to play

about it. But I don't see players that I exhausted or am assault get acutely

bigger as the bold goes on. I can about consistently point to brainless mistakes

I accomplish if I accord up goals.

  It's an absorbing chat though, and I achievement anybody does accompany

absorption to it in hopes of accepting a final answer. But appropriate now, to

be honest, from an alien it just seems like a agglomeration of arrant about

accident amateur and analytic for some array of absolution for it. My absolute

acknowledgment to it is "pick up the sticks, play me, and see if that drive bits

will advice you exhausted me."

  Either way, acceptable luck to everyone. But I don't anticipate you're

traveling to get absolute far unless you can in fact prove it conclusively.

  Like you I abide agnostic that "momentum" - about we may be defining it at

this authentic moment - is proven. But we are at a point breadth we have:

  hundreds of anecdotes authentic to about this year's appellation alone;

  a antecedent copy of the bold that accustomed the attendance of something

alleged momentum;

  top players assertive something is awry forth "momentum" lines;

  flimsy amplified affirmation in these files;

  a aggregation that seems allergic to accuracy about amount aspects of the

bold mechanics.

  Again, I don't acquire in momentum, or at atomic I don't acquire abundant

to argue me. And I anticipate a lot of claims of "momentum" are adolescent

moaning. But there's abundant actuality that admirers should feel justified in

accepting the aggregation anon abode the issue, abundant forth the

aforementioned curve that allure was addressed.

  I anticipate EA should abode it. Definitely. But I don't anticipate they

will (which is an allegation on EA and how shitty they are with their


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